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A piece of our history ...

Posted by
fereshteh.kamelan (mashhad, Iran) on 4 February 2014 in Architecture and Portfolio.

I like the Land where I live,and as a female Photographer.
I take pride in recording a picture from the greatest epic writer of all time. ,Ferdowsi :A man who brings honor to Persia
Hakim Abol-Ghasem Ferdowsi Toosi (940-1020)
mashhad, Iran
غرور و افتخار برای هر ایرانی

Canon EOS 7D 1/1600 second F/5.6 ISO 100 18 mm

برای دیدن....تنها چشم ها کافی نیست
با قلبت بنگر
To see, you need more than eyes; Look through your heart
Thank you for visiting this photoblog

Canon EOS 7D
1/1600 second
ISO 100
18 mm
